Monday, November 23, 2015


                                                "And at last I see the light
                                                  And it's like the fog has lifted
                                                  And at last I see the light
                                                  And it's like the sky is new"

Everyone of us love to sing that song and feel the world as a child.
Its not just Rapunzel who gets lost watching the lanterns up in the air!
Far off in the air,it feels as though its transporting our dreams to the universe.
Lanterns are always a visual element of joy in all its form.
If we could make one closer to our dreams and watch it over in all its colours, that would be very dreamy.

I chose to customize a lantern for the most dearest person who would cherish and leap out of joy seeing the varied colours of her hero "KRISHNA".

To my best buddy,to the heart filled with pure devotion to Lord Krishna, I couldn't think of any other birthday surprise than the handmade Jagannath lantern.

I made this lantern entirely of Paper machie and of course its really difficult to safeguard the papermachie from the tiny cousins who wants to experiment it!!;)
After the paper machie is ready to get its colours,the concept was finalized to Lord Jagannath,Lord Subhadra,Lord Balram in the centre.

These were the hangings depicting the cheerful peacock feathers!!!
And starting to work with acrylics,glitters,golden touches finally the lantern was ready!!!

I didn't have time to fix up the lighting for her,thankfully she had one at her home and sent me this beautiful surprise back to me.

And when she sent me this,
"Jagannathised Lantern.
Akshayaa gifted me this on my birthday.
I was so surprised and very happy as I'm basically a great devotee of Lord Jagannath.
Very beautifully made from paper machie and intricately painted with floral pattern and the gods.
Its more beautiful when lit in night along with the peacock feathers hanging below.
It gives a feeling as if Lord is the light in our darkened life.
Very nice interior artifact and a lovely unique gift made with lots of dedication and love.
Love you so much :)
The most treasured and favourite gift that touched my heart!!!"
I have no words to say except,
Its lovely to watch those colourful shadows on the wall and get lost in our dreams.
Love and Lights to all!!